Thursday, May 28, 2009

hehe having fun webcam

didn't attend school for these two days, the last two days of school before holidays. RL too. aha. so wednesday was GP paper and i didn't finish both p1 and p2 so not confident at all :(:( guess i've to work faster. so, yesterday went to mos in the afternoon to study from 1 plus to 7 plus, tiringgggggg, w james, cc, two frens, wilson and benny. yongwei came for lunch then back home and we met up for movie again w cz at ard 9 plus. hehe. 7 of us including the two new friends watched terminator salvation tog yooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. headed to james hse after that. :)

gonna start facing the notes everyday, holidays dont seem holidays. grrrrrrr wanna have fun wanna go drinking wanna go on dates w bf wanna have loads of hang out sessions wanna meet up w girlfs wanna meet up w sisters wanna have more overnight mj wanna go farfar away for a holiday but it's prelims 1 2 and A levels grrrrrr
mug hard and get triple As ok yuwen, hehe

i know in between i still can have little bits of fun here and there! hehehe
just have to endure, a levels come and go away fast and it'll be freedom!

still massaging for me when we're old :)

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