Monday, May 25, 2009

finally back to update :) recently have been busy.. studying! hehe
these few weekends i have been,
meeting up with the sisters :),
mjing with the usuals bf jason cz cc yongwei jiasheng and finally shuang the day before yest,
pool sessions w some of their bros,
sentosa w the friday clique plus jason,
caught movies like angels and demons, night at the museum,
having fun in school w RL and YYK :D,
studying sessions w bf cc cz bren eke.
loads of fun everyday though i've been seeing the same ppl almost everyday. :)
sentosa trip!

james hse! the two gayssssss bth!

brenda! studying session! :D

school days w RL! look at her! read halfway then fall alseep! piang!

cz the alien!

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