Monday, August 3, 2009

updates. i can only rmb..
on wednesday, i left school early, headed to yishun to meet up w james. we had mac for lunch, double fillet o fishhhhhhh, mc spicyyyyyy, shaker fries! woooots! :D we went to cut hair at the salon james always go to anddddddddd i'm not gonna go back there again. auntie just keeps, 'style style style' piang. and this is how james's hair looks like after his trim.

LOLOLOLOL! totally sang yed! and so, he went back to the salon again but, still no difference lah.

i asked bf to smileeeeeee..........

first time so guai, lol.
after the hair cut, we went to visit j's ahma at bukit panjang along w jason. :) dinnered there, nuaed, watched tv, played w the kids and almost dead by 10pm when we finally headed home. see you next time oh ah ma! heh heh. :)
thursday, went to mos to mug. yongwei offered to acc me study and jason came too. js joined and left for dinner, studied till 11 and twin and cz finally reached semb! cz bought brownie for us but everybody else was like too full to eat it. lol. but anw, thanks! walked home w js..
friday had parents meeting. i was f for my attendance as expected. but nvm about it, i seriously hate school now though. afternoon met up w bf cz jinkwang hongwhye yongwei for badminton at the sports hall. tiring but fun, but i have a blister on my palm now and muscles are aching. lol, weak uh. bf left for his camp mate celebration over at clementi while the rest of us headed to khatib mac, shake shake and ice cream! while discussing the program at night, twin joined and finally, i came up w three choices for them. fussy potssssss la all seriously, especially hw! LOL. ion and paradiz centre for lan was the final choice. home to bath and prepared and off we went. walked around ion, super big and "expensive" trip we had, lol. one day, we will be back there to shop, not window shop hopefully. haha. bused to dhoby for chicken rice and dao huey then finally off to lan. L4d at first but we got bored of it after 1 plus hour and then so we switched to cs! i was the beginner lah and everybody else was so pro so was taken advantage of. lol, but still i had lotsa fun! spent 4 hours there, worthwhile for the fun w twin and the guys, bfbf hw js yw. a pity bf couldnt join!
saturday, all woke up at ard 3 plus or earlier and that was the time when i feel something sore in the throat. twin wanted mj when at first i wanted to suggest to meet up to study! but too bad, she tempted me. lol. went over to james hse, he was in camp, and i had nasi lemak for dinner -.- the whole night i was complaining bout my throat and when we came back from 313, it was hurting to the max alr. :(:(
sunday bf came back, and i wanted to follow him to semb shop to eat w the rest but sadly, was totally sick already so rested at his hse till they came back w my strepsils and herbal tea. thanks yo. stayed at his hse till 11 plus then mummy came over to fetch me to the doctor, got 2 days mc! and that explains why i am home on a monday. didnt skip schl ok! :D
feel like heading out to study.. :( but i'll be so nua..
i think i shld stop the shaker fries and ice creams. lol.
sunday, our 1st yr anni but bf will be in camp unable to take off for it's national day, to be on stand by. :(:(:( most prolly celebrating on 10th cos 8th will be jason's 21st celebration! nvm a late celebration, as long as we have fun! :D i wanna go buffet! hehe. drinking on sunday w the girls, whether im fine enough to drink or not, dont care just drink! and pls let me be well by friday at least. no more cough. flu! grrrrr hate it! stupid doctor, i didnt go to my usual doctor so some weird doctor gave me a medicine that made my eyes swollen! not the right time to fall sick. i've like so many work undone! :(:(:(:(:(:(:(
paradiz centre!

RL's idea! lol.

looks damn real right!

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