Wednesday, September 23, 2009

heyloooooo, addicted to blogging for the time being. lol

one last paper and we will be done with prelims 2. :):) monday after rp session i had dinner with the group, wendy bren eke jiasheng and jason at this indian shop beside ssc. then next day i vomitted and had diarrheao, just right before mob paper! aiyo felt so unwell while doing it but i'm fine now! :D but the rest are all fine and we ate the same food. lol. is it just me?

and today down w another paper, econs p1. i brought bf james along to dinner w sisters todayyyyyyy and after that we caught the ugly truth over at gv. :):):) they told me i would definately love the show, haha ass cos now i know what they mean! but overall, the show was okok niaaaaaaa lar.

feels like the old times back again :) and of cos, it feels good!

i feel like buying a camera! aiyo, temptations but i just bought a new phone! :(

friday come soon!

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