Monday, September 21, 2009

uncle will said we took 400 over photos that NIGHT, his camera + cy's camera + yx's pinky

smile by uncle kracker (:(:(: smile smile.

i think i'm so gonna flunk mob paper 2. but i studied so hard for paper 1. but but i just can't concentrate now. i hope i wont fall alseep during the afternoon paper tomorrow, cos i think i'm gonna suffer from isomnia tonight. ohmygawd! ever since prelims started, it's always like that. grrrrrrr, i wanna sleep more in the night!!!!!! prolly influenced by the night owls around me, lololol. it's always nice when you can bring about two groups of closest friends together and make them be the closest friends too. it's good to see them getting along well :) :D:D:D:D okay wednesday! wednesday wait for meeeeee..

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