Sunday, September 20, 2009

i realised i've been updating quite frequently, no complains from the people already. and why is everybody not updating their blog recently, like nothing interesting to read alr. some more powerful, close their blog.

oh time is 2:34am now. i dont think i'll be able to wake up on time tmr again. i had never been punctual in meeting the guys for those rp mugging session, lol. wendy came down to 313 to join me and some of the bros for supper just now. lol, damn random. but time passed so quickly when we were chatting and so, i'm home now!

today i was talking to cz about soccer and so i asked him what is "put half ball" (in chinese) and he actually did something sooooooo.. disgusting! lolololol! so not him, getting more and more like his bf. lol!

recently i can feel the urgency to study, like got the feel or something. so let's hope that nothing spoils it. and after prelims only one day to play! and we gonna continue studying okay :)

happy day.

recently it's all wordy posts. wait till i receive the photos!!!!

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