Sunday, October 4, 2009

happy 20th to the dearest boyf on the 5th of oct! :D my old man! love love! this year's celebration was simple (: hopefully he liked the card w the monopoly and all cut outs and of cos, the king! :D king is 2 mth plus old now, and he eats very little :( he has to be fed to eat and he's damn hyper, lol. toilet train!!!!!!

celebration w bros (:

cotton!!!! (:
king! :D:D:D:D

his card! :D

cotton! :D

one of the major shareholder, lol
jason's farewell

night cycling and mahjong over at jessica's hse w/ classmates and randoms! :D:D:D

pet farm plus tampines 1 for secret recipe (:

happy 19th to wendy gan (: mini surprise on kokh's car, lol

my new bedsheet, hehe

05th oct

dinner at mahattan yesterday.

all the best to jason in tekong (:

funny how things changed. wonder how long will it take to have everybody back as before again.

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