Sunday, October 11, 2009

well, friday was our 14th mthsary. we were icecreaming sandcastle-ing walking ard at semb park. lololol. night time supper w the friday khakis then mahjong :)
yest i was supposed to be in town by 1pm. but i only reached at 4. heh, sorry. so started walking ard w classmates shopping for their clothes. went heeren far east ion cine orchard central :) wendy joined at orchard central and we went for dinner tog. after that back to far east the girls started shopping finally, and we just bought non stop. lol. we could have bought more actually, yeah but too bad shops were closing by then :( yongkit didnt join at last. dead tired when i reached home day well spent in town! bren and eke were in town too :) twin was in town too but didnt get to meet her. luckily w mum's sponsoring.................
king's poo is damn smelly now, cos of the milk he drinks, lol. he knows 'up' now, i think(?) we helped the king bathed today. he's damn skinnnnyyyy.. toilet train toilet train!

boyfriend <3>

our cute baby :)
pic from jx's blog :)

wendy, dont worry and think too much, stay cool! :)
back to essay!, happy enough these days but still one wish to fulfill....

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